A video compilation of some of the more common parasites I see under the microscope
Case studies and TESTIMONIALS
Showa koi with bacterial skin infection
“Andrew has a unique approach, offering a diagnostic service, which ensures that prevention is better than cure. I have found that with Andrew regularly monitoring my koi pond, he can quickly correct any imbalance in the water quality ensuring that my fish are in top health. It is a service I have come to trust and rely on and can thoroughly recommend.”
The area of contusion in the before photograph is caused in my option by viral lesions. It responded well to antiviral treatment
The classic “pine cone” look of a fish suffering from dropsy, which is a symptom rather than a disease in itself, caused by underlying health issues such as bacterial infections or parasites
“I have known Andrew Lindsey for more than 25 years and he originally installed my ponds. Andrew has dealt with all my requirements relating to Maintenance, Filtration, Planting, Fish well-being and all queries I have had. I have found him to be extremely personable, professional and very helpful with regard to any queries that have arisen. I have no hesitation recommending him to any other person who requires first class assistance with all their pond and fish problems”
You can make out the classic scratches here indicating that this koi has been scratching itself due to irritation, in this case from skin flukes
Squamous Cell Carcinoma - an invasive kind of cancer, localised to the pectoral fin on this koi
After treatment
Tancho koi with burnt fins from a customer salt dipping for too long
““We have struggled for several years with a persistent parasite problem in our Koi pond but since we were introduced to Andrew he has been able to treat, control and monitor the parasite levels and my Koi are looking happier and healthier than they have been for years.”
A nasty infected area on a fish in 2016 that has healed over nicely after application of a topical treatment, to what I saw again in 2018, with only the irregular scale pattern left as a clue to the injury
“We moved into a new home and inherited a pond so were complete pond and fish novices. Andrew has been a life-saver, quite literally so, for the koi and goldfish. They are so much healthier and livelier, the difference in them was so apparent. He provided an extremely organised and professional service, from his initial review, cleaning, plant recommendations, knowledge of filters and other equipment, weed control treatments; his years of expertise shine through, patiently answering all our many beginners questions.”
Viral lesions on this Koi caused by poor water quality Reducing the phosphates allowed the Koi’s immune system to recover and it’s now completely healed
Fish louse on the tail of this koi
Carp pox on the fins and flank of this koi
“We have had such wonderful service from Andrew, even now he monitors water quality and pH and recommends things we can do ourselves to keep our fish fit and well. We are so happy our fish are in good hands. Andrew is friendly and easygoing, you can tell he really loves his job and the fish he sees, going far beyond what we expected from a pond service. I would wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone, from beginners like ourselves to long-term pond “owners”. We look forward to many years of happy, healthy fish thanks to Andrew.”